4596 Louisiana St, San Diego, CA 92116

Ages 12 months – 5 years

Ages 12 months – 5 years

At Natura ECD we utilize a simple concept: young children learn from older kids because their eagerness to learn is amplified when learning from other children. Additionally, older kids consistently display eagerness to demonstrate their ability to teach and lead their younger peers. As a result, we combine mixed ages similar to the Montessori approach. At Natura our main focus is that, regardless of age, children feel like equals who look forward to seeing their teacher. Children must be met with joy and love but most importantly feel safe in their environment. Our curriculum is designed to teach and guide children to experience nature-based activities to the fullest extent possible (age-appropriate activities). We guide children to be mindful concerning their environment with activities such as: listening to the birds, watching butterflies flying around our amazing outdoors space, witnessing squirrels cruising around our many and beautiful trees, observing the seasons change as the leaves falls and turn green again, watching older kids climb up trees, playing with and touching rocks and being able to feel free in space where they can run, jump, and experience a nature-based environment. We value learning through play and play to learn in our nature-based, hands-on environment. Let’s raise nature lovers!


Monday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Nautra Early Child Development ©2025 All rights reserved.